Job profile

Not only do industrial engineers work in jobs where technology and economy meet, they often mediate between economists and engineers. The Bachelor programme gives an in-depth overview of technical and economic business processes and consequently enables students to understand operational connections. In addition, interdisciplinary knowledge facilitates assuming management functions.

In the industry, service and trade sectors, business engineers are applicable in almost any kind of job.

Preferred professional fields are:

  • Logistics
  • Marketing/distribution
  • Controlling/accountancy
  • Production and business management
  • Manufacture/production
  • Purchasing
  • Research and development
  • Innovation and technology management
  • Project management

Industrial engineers usually manage to find a job within 2 months, only sending out 5 applications on average. On many occasions, business engineers are hired directly to a certain specialist position.

Initial salaries may be 30,000 € - 40,000 €/year. Sometimes, 50,000 €/year are possible.

Currently (2017) high starting salary at average of 47.325 € per year, see Absolventa.

[1] Baumgarten, H./Hildenbrand, W-Ch./ von Hirschhausen, Ch./ Schmager, B. (2015): Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - In Ausbildung und Praxis, Verband Deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieure e. V., Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin

From the enterprises' point of view, the prospects of Industrial engineers are generally good to very good. This is reflected in comparisons of salary development.

After 5 years, a industrial engineer on average earns 20% more than at the beginning of his/her career and 30% more after 10 years. Note that individual negotiating skills of the applicants do make a difference.

Since the interdisciplinary studies provide a wide range of career opportunities within a company, they are good prerequisites for professional and personal development.