Veröffentlichungen (ab 2014)

Veröffentlichungen (ab 2014) [keine chronologische Reihenfolge]

2015C. Lecon, Ch.: Koot: "Virtuelle 3D-Räume und Lehrvideos als E-Learning-Angebote: Praktische Erfahrungen an der Hochschule Aalen"

HMD 301 Praxis der Wirtschafsinformatik, Springer, Februar 2015

2015C. Lecon: "Gruppenarbeit in Virtuellen Welten"

Vortrag auf dem Kongress der Learntec (28.1.2015)

2023C. Lecon, J. Rößler, J. Holzinger, C. Neufeld, A. Nagl, K.H. Bozem, A. Ensinger: “AI prediction of energy consumption for a regional renewable energy market place”, 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 25. September 2023, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)

2023C. Lecon: “Visualization and Immersion: Fascination 3D”, in: W. Hong, Y. Weng (eds): “Computer Science and Education”. ICCSE 2022. Communications in Computer Science, vol. 1811, Springer, pp 534-544, 2023,

2023J. Holzinger, J. Rößler, C. Neufeld, C. Lecon, A. Nagl, K.H. Bozem, A. Ensinger: “Dynamic pricing models for regionally generated PV electricity based on artificial intelligence”, 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium, 25. September 2023, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)

2021C. Lecon, B. Engel, L. Schneider: "VR Live Motion Catpure", 16th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, Lancaster (UK), 17.-21.08.2021 [Online-Konferenz]

2021Daria Kern, Andreas Ensinger, Carmen Hammer, Christina Neufeld, Carsten Lecon, Anna Nagl, Karlheinz Bozem, David H. Harrison, Bruce M. Wood: “Application Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence in a Renewable Energy Platform”, Smart Services Summit 2021, Zurich (Switzerland), 22 October 2021, 2021

2020C. Lecon, B. Engel, L. Schneider, C. Pogolski: "Testing Kinetosis in XR environments"

Laval Virtual VRIC ConVRgence 2020 Proceedings; 22nd Virtual Reality International Conference - Laval Virtual, 22.-24.4.2020, Laval (Frankreich); ISBN: 978-2-9566-2517-9 [Online-VR-Konferenz]

2020C. Lecon: "Corona E-Learning Cocktail – Sustainability of Higher Education in Times of Pandemics"

15th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE), Delft, Netherlands, 2020, pp. 57-65, doi: 10.1109/ICCSE49874.2020.9201619 [Online-Konferenz]

2020C. Lecon: "Live Motion Capture for Higher Education"

Vortrag auf der 16th Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, 18.-21.5.2020, Athen (Griechenland); ISBN: 978-960-598-326-0 [Online-Konferenz]

2020C. Lecon, M. Hermann: "Learning for E-Learning"

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (CSEIT´20), 26.-27.9.2020, Kopenhagen (Dänemark); CS & IT - CSPP 2020, ISBN : 978-1-925953-25-1, pp 29-43, doi: 10.5121/csit.2020.101103 [Online-Konferenz]

2020N. Ganz, C. Lecon: "Opportunities and Challenges for Extended Reality Techniques in Higher Education"

12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN), 6.-8.7.2020, (Motto: “Connecting Technology with Education”), Palma de Mallorca (Spanien); ISBN: 978-84-09-13979-4,, Seiten 481-490 [Online-Konferenz]

2019C. Lecon: "Kinetosis in autonomous driving"

In: Bargende M., Reuss HC., Wagner A., Wiedemann J. (eds) 19. Internationales Stuttgarter Symposium. Proceedings. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden.Pages 187-195. DOI:; Print-ISBN: 978-3-658-25938-9; Online-ISBN: 978-3-658-25939-6

2019C. Lecon, M. Bauer: “Considerations of Locomotion’s in Virtual Environments regarding Kinetosis”

14th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE). 19.-21.8.2019, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

2019C. Lecon, M. Hermann: “A Flexible Search Function for Online Courses in the Sense of Attribute Grammars”

15th International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science. Athen (Griechenland). 20.-23.5.2019.

2019F. Deuser, H. Schieber, C. Lecon: “Kinestosis analyzation of the symptoms occurrence in combination with eye tracking”

15th International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science. Athen (Griechenland). 20.-23.5.2019. ATINER’S ConferencePaperSeries, No:COM2019-2660.

2018C. Lecon, M. Hermann: “Demand Driven Generation of e-Learning Courses”

9th International Conference on Computer Science Education: Innovation and Technology (CSEIT2018). Singapore, 22.-23.10.2018

2018C. Lecon: “Motion Sickness in VR Learning Environments”

14th International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, Athens (Griechenland), 20.-24.5.2018. ATINER’s Conference Series, No.: COM2018-2514 (ISSN 2241-2891, 29/08/2018). 

2017R. Oberhauser, C. Lecon: "Gamified Virtual Reality for Program Code Structure Comprehension”

The International Journal of Virtual Reality, 2017, 17(02): 79-88

2017R. Oberhauser, C. Lecon: "Immersed in Software Structures: A Virtual Reality Approach”

 The Tenth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human-Interactions, Nice (Frankreich), 2017

2017R. Oberhauser, C. Lecon: "Virtual Reality Flythrough of Program Code Structures"

 19TH ACM Virtual Reality International Conference; Laval (Frankreich), March 2017

2016C.Lecon, B. Oder: "E-Tutorials as an Addition to Higher Education Learning Scenarios"

ATINER'S Conference Paper Series,No: COM2015-1789

2016R. Oberhauser, Ch. Silfang, C. Lecon: " Code Structure Visualization Using 3D-Flythrough"

 The 11th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (IEEE-ICCSE), 23.-27.8.2016, Nagoya (Japan)

2015C. Lecon, B. Oder: "E-Tutorials as an addition to higher education learning scenarios"

Eleventh Annual International Conference on Information Technology & Computer Science, 18-21 May 2015, Athens, Greece

2015C. Lecon: "How to react to the increasing heterogeneous student´s previous knowledge"

10th International Conference on Computer Science and Education; Cambridge (UK), July 2015

2014Ch. Koot, C. Lecon: "E-Learning zur Weiterentwicklung des Lehrangebots an Präsenzhochschulen - aber richtig!"

Die neue Hochschule, Ausgabe 6/ 2014; Hochschullehrerbund - Bundesvereinigung e.V. hlb; Verlag hlb

2014C. Lecon, M. Herkersdorf: "Virtual Blended Learning - Virtual 3D Worlds and their Integration in Teaching Scenarios"

9th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (22.-24.8.2014, Vancouver)

(Link: News auf der Homepage von TriCAT: Insight/ Forschung und Entwicklung)

2014C. Lecon, S. Reuter: "Einsatz von virtuellen 3D-Räumen in der Hochschullehre"

Limes-Magazin der Hochschule Aalen, Ausgabe Dezember 2014

Prof. Dr. Carsten Lecon

+49 7361 576-4365
G2 1.14