18:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Es ist uns eine Freude Sie zur ersten "Open Lecture" der Graduate School Ostwürttemberg einzuladen. Prof. Dr. Jae A. Chung beginnt mit der ersten Veranstaltung zum Thema "China Now: Emerging Consensus of Structural Hard Landing"

Der Vortrag findet am Donnerstag, 19.01.2017 um 18:30 Uhr an der Hochschule Aalen (Campus Burren, Gebäude 2, Raum 0.23) statt.

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Weitere Infos zum Vortrag:

What is happening in China? It is hard to understand that a market powerhouse like China can even have economic troubles. However, in the past ten years, among sociologists, economists, and market watchers, the concern about China has not been about its growth but always about how to manage the inevitable economic slowdown in the world’s engine for growth. Putting together the current evidence from the market and soco-economic literature, Prof. Dr. Jae A. Chung will lay out the case for the contours of the slowdown debate and seek to introduce the framework to understand the recent turn towards a more closed market system in China.

Burren, G2 G2 0.23