
2020ML-ModelExplorer: An explorative model-agnostic approach to evaluate and compare multi-class classifiers.

Theissler, A.; Vollert, S.; Benz, P.; Meerhoff, R.; Fernandes, M.; Conference: Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction CD-MAKE 2020.

2020A Deep Learning Approach to Prepare Participants for Negotiations by Recognizing Emotions with Voice Analysis

Maier, J.; Schlechte, D.; Fernandes, M.; Theissler, A.; In: Proceedings of Group Decision and Negotiation Conference 2020. Ed. by Liping Fang, Ryerson University, Canada et al.; Toronto, Canada 2020.

2020Künstliche Intelligenz in der Medizin. Wie ist das Stimmungsbild unter angehenden Ärzten?

Tümer, T.; Nemmer, T.; Fernandes, M.: In KU-Gesundheitsmanagement, Jg. 89, Nr. 4, S. 23-25.

2020Kann ich das faxen? – Medienbrüche im digitalen Zeitalter

Matzkovits, J. M.; Zielke, M.; Nemmer, T.; Fernandes, M.: In KU-Gesundheitsmanagement, Jg. 89, Nr. 2, S. 27-30.

2019High-performance exclusion of schizophrenia using a novel machine learning method on EEG data.

Buettner, R.; Hirschmiller, M.; Schlosser, K.; Roessle, M.; Fernandes, M.; Timm, I. J.: In IEEE Healthcom Proceedings: IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services, October 14-19, 2019, Bogotá, Colombia, in press.

2019An Emotion to Speech Mapping Framework for Electronic Negotiations and Negotiation Training.

Buechele, M.; Fernandes, M.; Buettner, R.; Roessle, M.: In 19th International Conference on Group Decision and Negotiation, June 11-15, 2019, Loughborough, UK. Accepted and presented.

2015Ontologies in E-Negotiations

Mareike Schoop, Simon Bumiller, and Marc Fernandes. In: The 15th International Conference of Group Decision & Negotiation Letters. Ed. by Bogumil Kaminski et al. Warsaw, Poland, 2015, pp. 263{265.

2014Complexity versus Flexibility in Negotiation Support Systems

Marc Fernandes et al. In: Proceedings of Group Decision and Negotiation Conference 2014. Ed. by Pascale Zarate et al. Toulouse, France, 2014, pp. 100-105.

2013Agenda Negotiations in an Electronic Negotiation Support System

Marc Fernandes et al. In: Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference 2013. Ed. by Bilyana Martinovski. Stockholm, Sweden, 2013, pp. 234-237.

2012Integrating the AC-AT concept into an Electronic Negotiation Support System: Implementation and Challenges

Alexander Dannenmann et al. In: Proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference 2012. Ed. by Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Danielle Costa Morais, and de Franca Dantas Daher, Suzana. Vol. 2. Recife, Brasil, 2012, pp. 77-81.

Prof. Dr. Marc Fernandes

+49 7361 576-6552
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